Tag Archives: Preview

Deathwing: the Space Hulk game we’ve been waiting for?

Deathwing Banner

Space Hulk, you would think, is exactly the kind of board game that would transfer really easily to a video game. And yet we’re constantly disappointed.

But so far, publishers Focus Home and developers Streum On Studio are pressing all the right buttons and saying all the right things with Deathwing. Read on for the latest announcement
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Exanima: First Impressions

Exanima Banner

As I mentioned yesterday Bare Mettle just announced their Sui Generis prelude on Greenlight. Kickstarter backers have access to early builds of Exanima, so I took a quick look.

What’s it like? I’ll charitably say ‘needs work’. For an alpha I wouldn’t be worried. For a beta it’s a cause for concern. For a beta of a prelude of the actual game that itself has no release date yet? Buggered if I know.
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Colonial-industrial-complex: Factorio

Factorio banner

It’s been a long time since a game came along that tickled the same neurons as Minecraft. And by “a long time” I mean “never”. Oh sure there are the great builders – the Sim Cities and the Civilizations of the world, but in terms of sheer mechanical, constructive gameplay, Minecraft stands alone, and since I haven’t even scratched the surface of redstone I suspect it will keep on giving.

But Factorio looks like it might just push many of the right buttons…
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More SMG madness

Hyper Death Robot Party

You might remember SMG Studio from such games as OTTTD, and as such be pleased to learn that a couple of videos just popped up from PAX Australia showing off some upcoming madness of theirs.
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Game in the Sunshine: Castle in the Darkness

Castle in the Darkness

Recently I’ve been passing the time on my commute by playing NES games on the 3DS’ virtual console. I say playing, but really mean “gnashing my teeth in controller-snapping rage” at how hard they are. But more on that in a future post when the red mist subsides.

I mention this so when I tell you that the Castle in the Darkness teaser is pushing all the same buttons you’ll know where I’m coming from.
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A little less action, a little more conversation please: Unrest


When it comes to video games ARPG is more of a marketing term than a real subgenre. Let’s face it, how many RPGs can you name that don’t essentially rely on progression-through-murder? Even games that hang heavily on their stories are afraid that if you don’t get to climb to the top over a mountain of skulls then the player might lose interest and go play Halo or something. Which is why the recently kickstarted Unrest by Pyrodactyl Games is so refreshing.
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Little dots of fear: Alien Isolation

Alien Isolation - Motion Scanner

As more details about Alien Isolation come skittering out of vents and leaping on our unsuspecting bodies I’ve gone from cynical to curious to cautiously optimistic, and now thanks to Rock Paper Shotgun’s hands-on I’m outright excited.
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Mirror’s Edging Closer

Mirror's Edge 2 Banner

It was a year ago at E3 2013 that Electronic Arts officially announced a sequel to Mirror’s Edge to a mixed response of relief, elation, concern and frustration. The first game was born in 2008, that brief moment in time when EA was experimenting a bit, branching out and trying new things, a year that gave us Mass Effect, Spore, Warhammer, Dark Space, and of course Mirror’s Edge. Despite inevitable quirks the free-running gameplay garnered a lot of love. In fact the main complaint about the game was how unnecessary and counter-productive the combat was. EA might have been sticking their neck out but they couldn’t bring themselves to dial the combat down any further, which is a crying shame.

So when the 2013 E3 trailer heavily featured fighting joy was heavily tempered by disappointment. Had EA and DICE learned nothing?

A year has passed, another E3 has come, and some more Mirror’s Edge news has wall-run out of the studio and leapt wildly onto the internet. So what difference has a year made?
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London is the new Atlantis: Sunless Sea

Sunless Sea

I had a brief fling with Fallen London a while back but didn’t have the time to invest, which was a shame because the world, the style and the art all outstanding and gripping. Now Failbetter Games are back with a sequel, the dark and sinister Sunless Sea, which sees you exploring an underworld sea in your steamship. Lovecraftian monstrosities, dark secrets, madness, mistrust and fear. It’s an excuse to use the phrase “Chthonic horrors”, not something you get to say every day.

Thirty years ago, London was stolen, dragged underground. Now it rests on the shore of the Unterzee, that old dark ocean under the world. Steamships ply the wild black zee, between the Iron Republic and the Elder Continent, between Khan’s Heart and the Dawn Machine…

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For your Kickstarting consideration: Universim

Universim Banner

Since Kickstarter kicked off I’ve only backed a few projects – Sparki, Sui Generis and the Heroes of Video Game Music album – and now I’m about to add another one to the list, and you should too.

Universim. Kickstart Universim.
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