Tag Archives: Mirrors Edge

While we’re on the subject of Mirror’s Edge…

Mirror's Edge small

…how about this rather nice Mirror’s Edge cityscape by MichalKus?

Mirror’s Edging Closer

Mirror's Edge 2 Banner

It was a year ago at E3 2013 that Electronic Arts officially announced a sequel to Mirror’s Edge to a mixed response of relief, elation, concern and frustration. The first game was born in 2008, that brief moment in time when EA was experimenting a bit, branching out and trying new things, a year that gave us Mass Effect, Spore, Warhammer, Dark Space, and of course Mirror’s Edge. Despite inevitable quirks the free-running gameplay garnered a lot of love. In fact the main complaint about the game was how unnecessary and counter-productive the combat was. EA might have been sticking their neck out but they couldn’t bring themselves to dial the combat down any further, which is a crying shame.

So when the 2013 E3 trailer heavily featured fighting joy was heavily tempered by disappointment. Had EA and DICE learned nothing?

A year has passed, another E3 has come, and some more Mirror’s Edge news has wall-run out of the studio and leapt wildly onto the internet. So what difference has a year made?
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Game music: Mirror’s Edge

MIrrors Edge OST CoverWith a sequel on the way, and sounding disappointingly combat-centric, it’s worth looking back at the flawed gem that was Mirror’s Edge, from that brief period when EA actually had a go at releasing new and interesting games.
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Game music: Frozen Synapse

Frozen SynapseIn the grand tradition of spending more time with game music than I do with the games themselves, I present your ears with the gift of the Frozen Synapse soundtrack. Another game I have totally failed to play, a fact which shames me and haunts my dreams.
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