Category Archives: Soundtracks

Game music: Lemmings 2 – The Tribes

Lemmings 2What’s that you say? Christmas got you in the mood for more Lemmings? Well, that’s perfectly understandable. How about a healthy dose of Lemmings 2: The Tribes?
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Game music: Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog OST CoverEarly nineties. Sitting at my friend’s house in front of his TV. His Sega Mega Drive chuntering away beneath it. Sonic the Hedgehog on it. The speed. The sounds. The music. Along with Mario and Metroid, the music to Sonic was one of the early greats, echoing down the decades, recognisable even to people who weren’t born when it was released.
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Game music: Quake III Arena

Quake 3 Arena OST CoverHaving already posted music from Doom and Unreal it would be rude to go a full year without adding the Quake series to the rolls. Some might go for Trent Reznor’s score for the original Quake, a celebration of rocky goth angst, but personally I prefer the more futuristic tone of Quake III Arena.
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Game music: Forza Motorsport 5

Forza LogoAs befitting any game that has anything to do with Top Gear, Forza Motorsport 5 has a soundtrack that can only be described as “epic”. Preferably while travelling at mach 2 with the skin being blown clear of your face and your spine partially liquefied by the g-forces, doing your best to scream “POWER!” before you spin off and end up sideways in a barrier.
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Game music: The Binding of Isaac

Binding of Isaac OST CoverTwo Danny Baranowsky albums in a row? Why not? This week, music from the thoroughly disturbing and depressing roguelike The Binding of Isaac.
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Game music: Desktop Dungeons

Desktop Dungeons OST CoverI started 2014 with a pair of shmup soundtracks, so why not continue with another themed pair? To accompany last week’s Dungeons of Dredmor here’s a soundtrack I waited a long while to hear. From Danny Baranowsky and Grant Kirkhope, Desktop Dungeons.
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Game music: Dungeons of Dredmor

Dungeons of Dredmor ThumbnailPresented without comment, the soundtrack to a roguelike featuring the chunkiest eyebrows this side of Sequential Art. I refer, of course, to Dungeons of Dredmor.
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Game music: Gradius V

Gradius V ThumbnailThere was no way I could post Ikaruga last week and not follow up with my other favourite shmup. I bought an Xbox to play Ikaruga, but the console saw plenty of other uses. On the other hand, I bought a PS2 purely and solely to play Gradius V. It’s that good. And unlike Ikaruga, I’m not entirely awful at it.
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Game music: Ikaruga

Ikaruga ThumbnailIf you were to plot all the games I’ve ever played on a graph, with one axis representing enjoyment and one representing competence, I dare say there’d be a reasonably clear pattern. There would, however, be one clear outlier. Treasure’s Ikaruga.
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Game Music: Christmas Lemmings

Christmas LemmingsMerry Christmas everyone! When I chose Wednesday to be my soundtrack post day it hadn’t occurred to me that it would coincide with Christmas. That left me with a choice – either post on a different day or post something appropriately festive. Having already used Big Giant Christmas EP back in snowy August I now present the greatest Christmas game ever made: Christmas Lemmings.
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