Tag Archives: Not-a-soundtrack

Game music: The String Arcade

String Arcade CoverIt’s been a while since I posted a not-quite-game-music album, so here we go. A string cover of some well-known (and less well-known) themes. I present to you: The String Arcade. Don’t even click through the jump to read the rest of the article – just follow that link and buy the album. It’s beautiful.
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Not Quite Game Music: The Big Giant Christmas EP

Big Giant Christmas CoverWith summer well under way filling our lives with sunny days and warm still evenings where we can sit outside enjoying a nice cool beer*, what better musical accompaniment could you ask for than some chiptune Christmas carols? None, obviously. Hence… Big Giant Circles’ “Big Giant Christmas EP”.
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Not Game Music: Adventures in Pixels

Adventures in Pixels CoverIs it too soon for this blog to have traditions? Well imaginary reader, since you don’t even exist, I say there can be traditions. And in a break with said traditions Adventures in Pixels is technically (i.e. really) not a game soundtrack, but it’s simply too charming not to give an honourable mention.
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