Tag Archives: Newzealand Story

A personal history of game music: Part 1 – The ZX Spectrum

Mario Sheet Music

The first computer I ever really played with as a child was my dad’s Dragon 64, an amazing piece of technology where the only games were ones you wrote yourself, using either a knowledge of programming or by copying code from books and magazines. Over time, the latter drifted to the former. My first computer, and the first one I remember having music with its games, was a ZX Spectrum +3.
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Not Game Music: Adventures in Pixels

Adventures in Pixels CoverIs it too soon for this blog to have traditions? Well imaginary reader, since you don’t even exist, I say there can be traditions. And in a break with said traditions Adventures in Pixels is technically (i.e. really) not a game soundtrack, but it’s simply too charming not to give an honourable mention.
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