Tag Archives: Megaman

Game music: Megaman 5

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With Mighty No. 9 around the corner I got to thinking about Megaman. And the music to the Mighty No. 9 trailer likewise got me thinking about Megaman’s music.
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Mighty No. 9: You got… Dev Trailer

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My exposure to Megaman was limited to a few minutes on a friend’s NES playing as Wood Man, while I was still to young to find the term “Wood Man” funny. So by that measure I’m not Mighty No. 9’s target audience; the wildly successful $4,000,000 Kickstarter was aimed squarely at fans of the original series and no surprise – half the team seem to have come straight from Megaman. They might not have been aiming at me but the charged up arm cannon that is the game’s hype has well and truly met the hitbox of my interest. The new dev trailer does nothing to lessen this…
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Meganatomy: The Anatomy of Megaman

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Readers with good memories will remember that I’ve mentioned Jeremy Parish’s excellent “Anatomy of a Game” series before, and well-read readers with good taste will already know about it. For the rest of you, I’m talking about a set of analyses of games in which the level design, mechanics and direction inform gameplay and teach the player in a time before tutorials. Not some weird fanfiction about the actual, you know, anatomy of the little guy himself.

Parish’s latest run is on the original Megaman and I’m mentioning it here because he raises a very interesting point, one that I’d never considered before.
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