Game music: Brothers – a Tale of Two Sons

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Game music posts may not be a weekly feature of Pixieland any more, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to put up a post when an album catches my ear. And oh boy, has the soundtrack to Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons caught my ear.

From the very first track it evokes the same profound sense of lonely melancholy as the excellent Homeworld soundtrack. Given what I know of the plot I’m almost afraid to play the game. Myself being one of two sons who lost our mother, and likewise have two young sons of my own, I’m not sure any other game is more dangerously positioned to have its way with my heartstrings. The music does nothing to suggest it will hold back on this score.

After the fraught opening the soundtrack develops a more lively tone, the wild strings reminiscent of Bastion, another evocative soundtrack.

For those of you, like me, who haven’t played the game, here’s the trailer:

Parting shot: knowing about the game, if you’re a parent and the last track, “Heading Home”, doesn’t make you emotional then it’s possible you’re dead inside.

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